It's finally happening!
After four years, I am finally officially publishing Queen of Water. The launch date has been pushed back so many times, but to be fair, people have been sick, and life got in the way. Not anyone's fault. But this is proof that perseverance and patience wins the day. Queen of Water officially drops in two days!
Q. Where can I buy it?
A. The novel is distributed by Champagne Book Group and all major online book retailers. You can find the direct link to Champagne's website here.
Q. In what format will it be available?
A. Champagne Books is primarily a digital publisher, so for the first six months, Queen of Water will be available as an e-book only. However, it will be available for print-on-demand after six months.
Q. Can I leave a review?
A. Yes! Queen of Water is listed on Goodreads, and reviews are highly encouraged! You may also leave a review directly on Champagne's website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all major online vendors.
Q. Is this a standalone novel, or will there be more books in the series?
A. Queen of Water is the first book in the Arcana Series.
Q. What does this novel mean to you?
A. Queen of Water was definitely my passion project. It began in 2019 as a small novella on an online platform, where I had to choose a writing prompt and finish writing 20k -- 40k words in less than 13 weeks. At first, it was just a story about a mother protecting her daughter from a demon, but since, it has become so much more.
There are so many topics to initiate conversation, including racism, LGBTQA+ acceptance, friendship, and what it means to be a family. It's more than paranormal, romance, or general fiction. There is definitely something for everyone, regardless of faith, and these are important topics I find relevant in today's society. This has gone through several sensitivity readers, and I can't thank those individuals enough for volunteering their time to ensure sensitivity and consideration to marginalized groups.
With that, I invite you all to read and enjoy Queen of Water, available now!