Hello, hello!
So yesterday was launch day, and let me tell you, it was crazy for a debut novel. Why? Because if I'd been left to do this on my own with absolutely zero readership or a following on social media, I'd be SO screwed. So I'd like to acknowledge my thanks to everyone who retweeted, shared, and promoted The Social Media Bride. Most importantly, I want to thank my readers. I'm pleasantly humbled by all the support, and I know none of this would be possible without you.
It was a fun launch, and I think this is going to take time to settle in that I am, in fact, official. When I think of myself, it's not as someone living in a gated mansion (though wouldn't that be awesome), but rather an ordinary girl next door with a large imagination. I'm as broke as the next American, I like thrift stores, and boy, do I put a sailor to shame with my lack of filter.
So what's next?
I have some projects that need a good polish and shine, while planning and developing other stories. My mind has too many ideas, so I have to toss all of my thoughts on a whiteboard or notebook (whichever I have access to first). Then comes the plotting, tossing the plotting out the window, and pantsing the stories because my characters tell me to piss off while they do their own things.
Will there be a sequel to SMB?
I think so. I did write the series back to back, but the second book definitely needs a full re-write, and I'm not sure I'll ever publish the third book, which I had written from Ian's POV as a way to explore some aspects of my own past through his eyes. Book 2, however, would be Maddie's story, and considering how much my readers have praised her, I want to take time and get her story right.
Additional Thoughts
I can't say I have a whole lot more going on at the moment (at least that hasn't been on my social media). My dad is recovering, but I want to give him a shout-out for being my cheerleader, even though he should have been focused on resting while he was incapacitated. In the hospital, every time he was awake, he wanted to let me know how excited he was for my novel. He told me he's glad I never gave up writing (we won't talk about that ten year hiatus). I kind of took the scenic route, but I did get there in the end, and I am grateful that one, he's alive, and two, that he cares. Same with the rest of my family, even if the star treatment has me retreating to the safety of my room.
I suppose that's it, but feel free to subscribe to my newsletter. And, if you have a moment after reading The Social Media Bride, be sure to leave a review on Goodreads and the site you bought it through. Reviews help discoverability, and I'm always interested in feedback.
With love,