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Hello, and Welcome!

Hi there! I'm so exciting to be launching my new site as I prepare for my novel debut this summer. After a lifetime of writing short stories, two historical novels, a general fiction novel, and now a women's fiction novel, I finally got that first yes! So what does this mean moving forward? I will be sharing blog posts from time to time on my writing experience, journey, or maybe just to share a picture of a ferret. I will also be working on creating monthly newsletters once I have a cover to reveal and an official release date. And we'll go from there.

I love hearing from my readers, so feel free to reach out to me!

For now, have a look around, make yourselves comfortable, and be sure to sign up for my newsletters. Also, if you like my work, be sure to share it with your friends so they can find me too.

I can also be found on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter under the username Kaiddance.

Stay safe and happy!


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